New professionals in the HPM teamInnovating Athletic Training for Ski ClubsWell-being in adulthood: a positive and functional approach


In a fitness and wellness market that is booming but also in severe crisis, where skills and technologies are advancing rapidly, classical training now appears obsolete and insufficient to meet the therapeutic needs of customers. For this reason, we offer fitness and wellness clubs the opportunity to integrate a new innovative department into their services, based on a scientific laboratory (hardware + software) and training in therapeutic training methods.

This is a new way of approaching fitness, which will encourage customers to visit the facility and trust the professionals, instead of turning to the web, which is often a source of incorrect or misleading information.
This procedure will allow the athlete’s training to be monitored and enable him or her to be followed remotely, and receive customised programmes within his or her login area.



Health assessment and the creation of the Body ID.


Output with detailed report identifying strengths and weaknesses.


Working protocols to improve or cure any diseases.

Offer HPM training within your business

Join us and discover a new kind of wellness.

For further partnership opportunities with HPM, please fill in the form and contact us.