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Rehabilitation and Reathletisation

Any injury requires a course of recovery to restore normal physical functions. At HPM we offer an advanced service, using the best technology available on the market. Our team of professionals guides the athlete through a customised programme, ensuring continuous monitoring of the proposed work and the results achieved. Our goal is to help the patient overcome physical obstacles and regain full function safely and effectively by accompanying him or her through the next phase: reathletisation.

This is a fundamental moment known, in sport, as the return to sport (RTS). Whether it is on a track, a field, in a ring or is simply a return to normal life, the path to reathletisation requires specialised expertise and a dedicated environment to enable a return to peak sports performance.

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immagine riabilitazione


Customised programmes

Each phase of the rehabilitation is customised. Our professionals work closely with the sportsman or woman to ensure a tailor-made recovery path.

Continuous monitoring

We use advanced technology to constantly monitor progress during the rehabilitation process and make any adjustments to the treatment plan to maximise results.

Specialised environment

HPM offers a dedicated environment and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure an effective and comfortable rehabilitation process.

Develop and train your potential

We look forward to working with you to reach your full potential. Fill in the form and book an appointment to learn about our method.