New professionals in the HPM teamInnovating Athletic Training for Ski ClubsWell-being in adulthood: a positive and functional approach


Apprenticeship opportunities

Apprenticeships play an essential role in approaching the world of work. Thanks to them, students have the opportunity to put themselves to the test and try out what they have learnt so far during their studies. Thanks to current agreements with the University of Milan, Bergamo and Rome, HPM offers young students, mainly from the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the opportunity to come into significant contact with a strongly growing company.

The main aims? To give young people the chance to have an initial contact with the world of work and to offer a deepening of their skills in a direction aimed at discovering training with therapeutic purposes.

Thanks to the internships offered by HPM, students are given the opportunity to become an integral part of the reality, allowing them to come into direct contact with clients and contributing to the creation of an inclusive and proactive environment.

What also distinguishes HPM is its focus on student training. Trainees are offered:

  • Dedicated training projects covering functional assessment, use of tools and output reading skills;
  • Coaching in different work contexts (main office and locations in Palazzo Fiuggi and Forte Village);
  • In-depth workshops.

Contact us to get in touch!